- where the belly rules the mind

Friday, December 04, 2009

Oatmeal with Cinnamon and Cranberry

Someone once told me breakfast is "A meal after fasting" and it should be sumptuous. Though I never have a heavy breakfast, I try at least not to skip. My recent favorite is this.
Oatmeal with Cinnamon and Cranberry

Appromixate cooking time - 7 min
You need
Oats - 3/4 cup
Milk - 1 /2 cup
Water -1/4 cup
Sugar - 1tbsp
Ground Cinnamon - a bit
Dried Cranberries - 4

Heat the milk. When the milk starts boiling, add oats and then water. Reduce the flame to medium and cook for 4 minutes. I like the oats semi-solid (oeey-goeey). When it reaches desired consistency, switch off, transfer to a bowl and add sugar and sprinkle ground cinnamon. Add the dried cranberries. Serve warm. You would have never guessed oatmeal tastes this good.

After-thought - Nutritional value and others
Cinnamon - The spice mimics your body's insulin, which stimulates fat cells and allows excess sugar to move out of the blood. Try to get a teaspoon a day and loose weight :)
Oats - Can help to lower the blood cholesterol
Cranberries - I can't stress enough the goodness of cranberries - go Google or go Bing!!
Get creative and substitute with blueberries/strawberries. For people living in US, I get the Coache's Oats from Costco with steel cut texture. Like it more than Quaker's.

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