- where the belly rules the mind

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chilli Mushroom

Fried Rice with Chilli Mushroom

I love anything fried , so much that gobi manchurian features on my menu at least once a week. Though it doesn't go with good health, I excuse myself with the thought that, I will reduce my consumption as I get older :) .

I had these packet of mushrooms sitting in the fridge for more than a week. All I know to make with mushrooms is one soggy mushroom kuzhambu and that didn't appeal to me much today evening.
So I went off to google, and made up the below recipe, by combining a couple of blog posts.

Move over healthy
foods.. Make way for the all fried and spicy Chilli Mushroom.

Mushrooms - how much ever you got
Oil - for deep frying

For the Mushroom Batter
All purpose flour/Maida - 3 tbsp
Corn Flour - 2 tbsp
Baking powder (optional)- 1 tbsp
Pepper powder - 1/2 tbsp
Ajinomoto (optional)- pinch
Salt - as required
Add water and bring it to dosai consistency.

For the Gravy
Onions - 1/2 of a big one - diced to cubes
Capsicum - 1
Green Chillies - 10
Ginger , Garlic - Per taste
Corriander - a few stems
Soy Sauce- 2 tbsp
Ajinomoto - a pinch
Chilli powder - 1 tbsp
Tomato ketchup - 1 tbsp

How To
Clean mushrooms and cut to desired size. I love it meaty, so I use fairly big sizes.
Boil a few quarts of water and add cleaned mushrooms to it, allowing it stay on heat for 5 mins. Make sure to take them out before they loose the crispness.
Mix the boiled mushrooms with the batter given above and deep fry in oil. Pat dry in paper napkins.

Grind corriander, ginger and garlic.
Fry green chillies, Onions, capsicum in 2 tbsp oil. Then add the paste of ginger garlic and corriander.
Once browned, add chilli powder, salt, soy sauce, ajinomoto and finally the tomato ketchup.
When they start to mix well, add the fried mushrooms and cook on medium for 2 minutes.
Garnish with corriander and server hot.

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